Currawong manufactures a low cost, fully isolated USB to CAN adapter for simple integration and testing of in-situ CAN devices. The TouCAN provides advanced protection against ground shift and electrical noise, ensuring the safety of the host PC. The TouCAN also provides optional bus termination for user convenience.

The TouCAN Adaptor is fully electrically isolated for the integration and testing of in-situ CAN devices. The TouCAN provides advanced protection against ground shift and electrical noise, ensuring the safety of the host PC. It also provides optional bus termination for user convenience. Currawong offers a matching harness for the TouCAN.
The CAN Star connector is a simple breakout board providing connection for multiple CAN devices to the bus. It provides power and CAN connections for each device.
The TouCAN is for ground use only
Currawong Engineering
54 Patriarch Drive, Huntingfield, Tasmania 7055
(03) 6229 1973
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For USA and Canada ESC customers, please contact our partner, Power4Flight